Friday, August 14, 2009

Bout time

So I kinda made a personal goal to do this at least once a month, obviously that didnt work out, but get over it! Seriously think about it: 1. I'm 22 years old 2. I dont have very many friends 3. I dont have an exciting job 4. and i'm single. So therefore my life cant be that exciting now can it??? Chew on that for a bit. Anyways I figured i'd write about what you may or may not find exciting. First. i got a new phone! but really this isnt that special infact it annoys me that I get to say that why cause in less than a year this is my 4th phone, Verizon should give you a new phone when you drop your phone 6 in on to a table and it breaks in half.....In HALF! it should be called their "We are sorry our phones suck, let us give a new one that wont break" deal. So hopefully these next items are a little interesting 2. for those of you that do not know i am on the Orem Institute council over Munch and Mingle and all that that involves which is that I provide food for College students and try to get them to get out of their shells and meet new people. It is sometimes a lot harder than it sounds. Third I am starting my new job at Freedom Academy as a Lunch Monitor: Thanks Mom! anyways it is decent money and it works great for going to school. and 4th.........well i warned you that my life wasnt that exciting so sorry for wasting 2 mins of you time by you reading this. Well thats it so ya...........k bye now..........I said BYE!...................GO! LEAVE NOW!


Cyndi said...

Sounds exciting to me.

You have bad phone carma.

Love you.

Cyndi said...

I like the new blog look.